Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Witch

The first of our All Hallow's Read series, where the Cabinet offers up a creepy, fictional tale from some of our favorite authors in celebration of Halloween.

The Witch is a short story from Shirley Jackson, who Stephen King dubbed "The Godmother Of Horror." Although you probably do not recognize her name, you've likely read her story, The Lottery or experienced the far reaching influence of her book The Haunting Of Hill House. Disney's Imagineers were so taken by Hill House, they even worked a dramatic moment from the book into the Haunted Mansion ride.

Jackson certainly knew how to weave a spell with her words, it was said by many that "She used a broomstick as a pen." Most of her stories lull you into a sense of familiarity and coziness. That's when she hits you. Hard

Jackson's interest in the supernatural and the occult was no secret - but she was secretive about it. Anyone who visited the family's house could see Jackson's collection of books, amulets, devices and various memorabilia. They always lived "in old strange houses, with lots of rooms, with attics that were cobwebby and strange. It was always an atmosphere in which things like poltergeists were very possible. There was a real Halloween atmosphere there, all the time." Said her son, Laurence.

Jackson isn't everyone's cup of tea - it takes a very special sort of person to appreciate her work. However, if you're here, this likely refers to you

You can listen to our version of The Witch HERE

Thursday, October 6, 2011

All Hallows Read - 2011

All Hallow's Read is a "new tradition" for Halloween, from one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman. Gaiman's proposal originates from this post, made just prior to Halloween of 2010. In it he says: "You know, there aren't enough traditions that involve giving books...I propose that, on Hallowe'en or during the week of Hallowe'en, we give each other scary books. Give children scary books they'll like and can handle. Give adults scary books they'll enjoy." 

Now, I really like candy, but I like stories more. So, here at the Cabinet Of Curiosities we're going to put our own little spin on All Hallows Read by offering up a number of creepy and disquieting tales of our own. Think of it as our Halloween treat to you...or maybe we'll slip in a trick or two.

Stories about witches, ghosts, otherworldly monsters, written by the best - Shirley Jackson, maybe some Phillip K. Dick and even a classic tale for the whole family...

Fret not purists - regular episodes of the Cabinet will continue throughout the month as well.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Driving Miss Josephine - Episode 12

The Cabinet's first offering for the Countdown To Halloween  - Driving Miss Josephine. Poor Josephine...all she wanted to do was get out of the house.

Listen now -  Driving Miss Josephine - Ep. 12